Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Macbeth Essay

A. Lady Macbeth: "What thou art promised. Yet do I fear they nature; it is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great, art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it." (1.5.14).

B. What this quote is saying is that Lady Macbeth she is revealing that she is willing to do anything in order to put Macbeth into power so that she can have more power and keep it. She was trying to drive him towards the actions that would lead to his crowning. She was devious in her planning of how to remove Duncan from the throne. Lady Macbeth was the mastermind behind the killing of Duncan and Framing the guards in order to remove suspicion from Macbeth, but she would not kill Duncan but she was conniving enough to conjure the plan to make him king. She proved that she could be malicious here by being the driver behind this plot to shift the balance of power in their favor.
C. The movie amplifies Lady Macbeth’s true intentions by having her stand alone in the room to show that her kind ways aren’t the only thing on her mind. She is standing in a room and the light is half on her and half of her body is in the shadow to reveal that she is secretive and seems to be a kind person but also has malicious intentions that is showed by the various angles that the camera is using on this scene. The camera angles keep her head and bod out of the frame but by combining it with previous shots there was enough of Lady Macbeth shown.

D. The way that this quote was used in the book was to get the reader to think that it wasn’t only Macbeth who wold be responsible for fulfilling the prophecy, because when she first learned that the witches told Macbeth that he was destined to be king she wanted to do take it into their hands and make him king. She was trying to drive Macbeth into making this happen because the witches foretold that Macbeth would be king but not how it would happen or when, so they took it into their hands to make the prophecy a reality, but was it the witches who were putting their plan into place by having Macbeth come into power and ruling the land.

“Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead are like pictures, nothing more only the eye of a child's fears, a painted evil Duncan is bleeding.” Lady Macbeth (2.2.64 )

B. The significance of this quote is that, Macbeth had just killed the guards and returned to lady Macbeth with the daggers that he killed the king with and was supposed to smear the blood on the sleeping guards to frame them for the murder. Lady Macbeth had taken the daggers from him and smeared the blood onto the guards and plant the daggers. from the beginning of the play it was lady Macbeth who was pushing for Macbeth to kill Duncan so that she could have more power. Lady Macbeth began to crave power after she had learned about the prophecy and she was the one who conducted the plan to kill Duncan and then frame the guards. As time passed Macbeth began to grow in insanity and began to have people killed which began to eat away at her and she then killed herself because she was being haunted by the deeds that were done and the fact that Macbeth was going insane to try and do everything in his power to keep his throne.

C. There is only light being shined on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth it seems like it is from the waist up and all the scenery is black to symbolize the deed that had just been done , in Macbeth killing Duncan. There was a close up on Lady Macbeth while she was returning from smearing the blood on the guards to frame them for the murder. The lighting was focuses around her waist to focus om the smeared blood and until she came back into focus her face seemed to be blurry and out of focus except the blood on her clothes and her chest you could see the blood.
D. After reading and then hearing the quote in the movie I thought that the movie did a better job of displaying the quote because it of the lighting that was used to amplify the darkness around the hall and showed that it was Lady Macbeth who was the driving force to kill Duncan and put Macbeth into power. In the film she was acting like it had to be done as soon as possible so that they could each have power and control over everyone. As the film went on, however their mental health began to decline and became paranoid of everyone and that is why Macbeth had Banquo killed and sent murderers to kill Macduff’s family to show everyone he would kill anyone who opposes him. Lady Macbeth finished what she had planned for Macbeth to do but he seemed to be distressed and in a state of mental distress from killing Duncan and she ripped the daggers out of his hands and smeared the blood on the guards and returned seeming like nothing had happened.

A. First Apparition: "Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff; Beware the thane of Fife," (4.1.78-79).

B. Macbeth was told that he couldn’t be harmed by any man born of woman and here he was being warned of Macbeth but he questioned the witches because there were warning him to fear Macduff. Macduff was suspicious after the death of Duncan and did not think it was his sons but Macbeth because he was the man who was put into power. Macbeth had sent assassins to Macduff’s castle to kill his family because he wanted to show him that whoever went against him or questioned him would be removed.

C. In the operating room the three witches had three bodies covered by a sheet of wax paper over the bodies and the room was light with a bright light flashed, like a flood light flashed on and there was a close up on all three of the witches. Then they touched one of the corpses and it was said to be their master, and he rose up and their was a bright flash of light and it looked like the camera was at a lower angle to get a better view of the man rising. Macbeth went over to hear one of the men speak and the lights flashed very bright from a high angle. The camera angles were coming from the side to give a better view of what was going on, and how this was a very important scene because it was foreshadowing what would be the final showdown and decide the future of the kingdom.
D. The way that this quote was portrayed in the movie was very dramatic and I believe that it was meant to be like this because he was told in the beginning that no man born of woman could harm him, but now he is receiving a strong warning from the witches about Macduff but Macbeth was questioning them because of what he heard during their first encounter. Also that this is important because it can put doubt into his head about the prophecy because it is the opposite of the first statement stating that no man born of woman can harm him.

A. Macduff “Tell thee, Macduff was from his mother’s womb Untimely ripped.”(5.8.19)

B. Macbeth was told by the three witches that no man born of woman can harm him so he believed that there was no man who could kill him, but what Macbeth was unaware of was that Macduff was born through a cesarean section which meant that he would be the end of the rule of Macbeth. Macbeth had wanted to get revenge on macduff for questioning him and having doubt about the guards killing Duncan. Also because Macduff wanted to personally take care of Macbeth because he is the reason that his family id dead and according to the witches the only man who can kill Macbeth.

C. During the storming of the castle Macduff rushes to find Macbeth and have his revenge, Macduff enters the great hall and sees Macbeth eating and drinking, there seemed to be a low angle of the camera because it was like looking up on the actors. Macbeth’s face was covered in shadow and the light in the scene was coming from behind Macduff to fore tell the deeds that were going to happen. Macduff gets shot by Macbeth but he doesn’t die from it, he tells Macbeth he wasn’t born he was ripped from his mother’s womb. Macduff cuts his head off and returns it to the men.

D. This quote is well portrayed better in the film than the play because the actor was able to put more emotion into these lines and parts of the movie and because of the way that it was said. I my opinion this was one of the most important parts of the play because this was the climax of the film and the novel, resolving the conflict and this eds Macbeth’s era and starts a new one under Malcolm.