Saturday, December 10, 2011

Oedipus test

1. If fate was to be Factor in controlling an individuals life there would be no surprises and no need to want to control their own life, but they would have to embrace what they wanted and make it what they want. Many people believe in fate
With no fate and free will being a power for all people to make the life that they want to build and add to at will, people would have more power to make mistakes with their own mistakes and learn from these experiences. Building a future is more important then following one that is made for you. Choosing the path can be just as important as the journey itself because there is room. Anyone can just take a car that's a free gift, and someone an go out and find a car they want and then go buy it.
The world around us can be mostly governed by free will but fate can play a large part in many different fields and maybe in the presidential election, maybe it was fate that Obama was elected and put into office. Some things that happen like if you lose money or give it away then you’ll find money and there is no way that will be predicted or made to happen. Events like this makes me a strong believer in good things happen to good people. The revolutionaries were bound to beat the British and gained the independence that many take for granted today.

2. Lying to other people is never really am OK thing to do because the people your lying to will lose trust and won’t believe the things that you saying. The truth is always the best thing no matter what has happened it is always better and easier to deal with the consequences before someone else is involved. Lying even to protect someone is never right because when an authority figure finds out there can be severe consequences fir both parties involved for hiding the truth.
One of my friends was caught stealing from and elderly couples car and denied everything and he was asking around for advise and I would not help him because he stole and wasn’t man enough to say he did what he did. He left but then he was caught and answered for what he had done. We never spoke again but people can and go in life and if he couldn't’t forgive me his loss.
When I found out that my grandfather was in the hospital I wish someone had told me he was fine because he is a big influence and a large part of my life. Sometimes hearing what you want to hear may make things better for a little while but the truth no matter how hard it is to hear but it needs to be said and lying to make someone feel better is only temporary until they learn the truth for themselves. People should not lie for any reason, not telling people what they want to hear but telling them the truth or what needs to be said.
3. Sigmund Freud’s complex is that he believes every male child has a desire to kill their father and then sleep with their mother. In his play, Oedipus, it was foretold that he was destined and desired to kill his father and to sleep with his mother. I think that think that this is true because he said that the age when boys had these feeling were between 7 and 12 which seems like a very unlikely age for boys to develop feelings like these.
The mother would not have feelings of this kind for her young child because even though most mothers breast feed their children and with Freud’s statement this makes the child want to sleep with his mother and when this bond is eventually broken, when they are older maybe they want to remake this bond and feel it again. When the children are this young they won’t experience these desires and won’t know how to kill a man.
The development of these feelings takes time and won’t happen to a boy of these ages it takes time for sexual feelings to develop later in their lives. This theory may have some reason behind it because when the child is separated from his mother the bond is broken and he may seek to make the bond again.

4. In Antigone. Antigone is willing to go break the law in order to protect her brother and doesn’t want his to be dishonored and to protect him. She is trying to protect him. Antigone is showing a large amount courage because she is willing to risk so much in order to protect her brother. she was being a good sister a good sister to her brother. Like the old saying, sometimes doing the right thing isn’t doing the right thing.
The laws that we follow today are meant to be followed and upheld by the police and by the courts , but they can be bent if the situation was not threatening a life can be overlooked. Whenever I go fishing with my dad I always obey the speed limit on the river, follow the no wake zone and for common courtesy slow done when I see someone fishing. When there is no one around I can get away with going right through the no wake zone but if i get caught there is a fine to pay.
A fair law is one that is meant to protect the people and keep everyone safe, like drinking and driving which claims to many lives because people drink to much and then are stupid and go drive. The police are doing a good job but if people were smarter and know their limits less people would die. An unfair law is something that is based or forced upon a certain group and mainly on them.